I’ve been a competitive athlete since I started swimming at age five back on the east coast. Since then, I’ve tried every sport you can think of (seriously, try me). After graduating college, I struggled to find an athletic outlet that held my interest. At first, I tried long-distance running (desperate times…) and started powerlifting with a personal trainer. A few years later, after moving to Seattle, I found rugby. It felt like the sport I was meant for, and I learned so much about myself, my body, and my capabilities. The community I built through the Mudhens has supported me through multiple serious injuries and ultimately, my retirement.
Recuperating from these injuries led me to develop a more holistic training regimen that includes powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, swimming (for my poor joints), yoga, and high-intensity metabolic conditioning. My focus moving away from competitive sports is to proactively protect my body against any ailments that age or life may throw my way. I am so grateful for everything I have learned on my journey, and for how flexible and diverse functional fitness training is for those of us who want to do it all!
Favorite movement: Squats…and burpees…
Least favorite movement: Pull ups (until I get good at them!)
Why I coach: I believe that every person has an athlete within them that can be nurtured and developed to meet their specific goals, however broad or specific they may be. As a lifetime athlete, I’ve experienced a lot of different coaches, coaching styles, and team cultures. I am excited to take what I have learned about what works, what doesn’t, and everything in between to a new sport with a new team. Coaching is a continuously evolving discipline that requires a holistic understanding and balance of individual athletes (including myself!) and the larger community. I am so excited to continue my education on this path and to develop my inner coach with the help of my new team.
Credentials: Crossfit Trainer Level 1