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✨ Member Spotlight ✨ Rachel

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✨ Member Spotlight ✨ Rachel

Meet Rachel! A little bit about Rachel in her own words:
I’m from the east coast but have lived in Seattle since 1998, so it feels like true home. I’m a writer who didn’t want to starve to death so I work in tech. I love hiking, dogs, books and music and the only thing I’m good at is parallel parking.

Why did you choose to sign up for Individualized Design at GLSC?
I was in a strength-training rut where I was only doing things I liked, over and over for years. I was not training my back at all, or really my lower body. I wanted expert guidance on full-body weight training so I can still play outside and hike and wrestle with my dogs until I’m 110 years old.

How long have you been a member of GLSC?
Since December 2023

How has being a part of the gym benefitted you?
I’m overall much stronger in ways I didn’t know I needed. I’m trying things that used to scare me and realizing I can do them. And no matter how stressful my day is, the individual design sessions ALWAYS make me feel a thousand times better. I love the people I’ve met here. Zeyab is my incredibly patient coach who always makes me laugh but also is SO BRILLIANT at teaching and keeps me safe ❤️

What is your favorite movement?

What is your favorite music or pump up song?
LCD Soundsystem, Beastie Boys, and if I hate the the exercise I’m doing (assault bike 🤮), then Nine Inch Nails. Because my GenX is showing.

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