Opening for outdoor CrossFit, soon!
Stuck inside?
Having trouble staying fit and healthy during the pandemic?
We know COVID-19 restrictions make it difficult to stay fit. While many members are loving the Zoom workouts, we understand that they don’t work for everyone. Are you stuck in your house with no equipment? Feeling out of shape, claustrophobic, and lonely?
NWCF can help with outdoor workouts
It hurts us to see all this empty space and unused equipment in the gym. The coaches are ready to get you moving again with outdoor workouts. Thanks to the recent update to Phase 1, we will soon be able to open up for outdoor workouts.
We will have 5 outdoor spaces available for every class. Each will have its own coat hook, sanitizer, equipment, and more. They are each spaced a full 6 feet apart.

New bathrooms (and more)
We did a bunch of work for your safety and comfort. We remodeled the bathrooms with touchless sinks, soap, and paper towels. We cleaned the gym from floor to ceiling (literally: we cleaned the rafters), added new LED lights,a water-bottle filler, and re-painted the entire gym.
We added an additional hand washing sink that’s outside the bathrooms so you don’t even need to enter the bathroom to wash your hands before and after class.

Get ready – we can’t wait to see you!
Get ready to reconnect with your fellow NWCF athletes and get back in shape! As soon as we hear that King County has been approved for the updated Phase 1 restrictions, we will let you know. Keep your eye on email and Facebook for an update!