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✨Member Spotlight✨ Phil

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Meet Phil! A little about him in his own words:
I’m from York PA and joined the Navy out of high school. The Navy brought me to Bremerton, WA in 2012. During my 5 years in the Navy, I feel in love with the outdoors as an escape and a way to recharge from the daily grind. I hiked the PCT once I left the Navy and met my current partner Claire during that adventure. We moved around together and ended up in Seattle. I’m currently a carpenter that focuses on residential remodels and building custom furniture.

How long have you been a member of GLSC? 1 year this month.

How has being part of the gym benefited you? The focused coaching of the movements has been an amazing learning process that has helped me feel more connected with my body. Love the group atmosphere.

What is your favorite movement or workout?
I enjoy the High Metcon Days that involve deadlifts 🙂

What is your favorite music or pump up song?The artist Arc De Soleil gets me going on my bike rides.

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