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Robin ✨Member Spotlight✨

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Meet Robin! He moved to Seattle decades ago following his college girlfriend who he later married. They’ve been together since the Reagan administration! He has two amazing kids in college – one at WWU in Bellingham, and one at Middlebury in Vermont where Robin grew up. He’s a portfolio manager and investing coach and has worked for himself most of his career. He’s a skier, hiker, brewer, foodie, and movie fanatic who will not stop at quotes but can tell you the cast and critic notes going back 50 years!

How long have you been a member of GLSC?
Nearly an OG! I joined what was NWCF in 2010 and waited impatiently for 10 years for Nate and Kate to buy the place. At the time I was already a fitness nut but I thought CrossFit was too militaristic for me. Then my ski buddies started leaving me behind on the harder slopes and I decided to get serious about my pre-season training.

How has being a part of the gym benefited you?
I have found strength, physical coordination, and multi-sport flexibility in middle age! Plus a community of like-minded folks who want to stay healthy forever and have fun in the process. GLSC has carried me through some challenging times, always my go to for grounding and sanity. And the place has just gotten batter over the years.

What’s your favorite movement or workout?
My dirty little secret: I hate working out. I’m experienced, capable, relatively fit. But the process of gritting and gasping and sweating is unpleasant. I come to GLSC for how I feel when I leave after a taxing workout. Because no matter what happens the rest of the day, I can say I got at least one important thing done and I’m proud of myself. That said, I’m pretty ok with dips and anything legs. No cardio, thanks.

What’s your favorite music or pump up song?
I’m a kid from the 80’s, so I always look to hair-band arena rock for my workout score: Van Halen, Def Leppard, ZZ Top…but then – why don’t we listen to Depeche Mode in the gym? Helluva beat.

Thank you for being a part of our community, Robyn!

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