You are currently viewing Trick-or-Train October Consistency Challenge w/ Upower
Green Lake Strength and Conditioning GLSC, Seattle, WA, June 18th, 2024

Trick-or-Train October Consistency Challenge w/ Upower

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We’re excited to partner with the local youth empowerment non-profit, Upower, for our October Consistency Challenge! Upower was founded in 2014 by GLSC members Jill Beck and Martha Moseley and has been running youth empowerment classes here at GLSC and across Seattle ever since.

The challenge: Move for 30 minutes every day in October! We’ll have a poster board, just like Mile-a-Day-May, where you can add your name and track your progress with stickers. There are three ways to earn your daily sticker:
1. Take a class at GLSC
2. Do one of Upower’s activities
3. Complete any other 30-minute activity of your choice

At the end of the challenge, Upower will award trophies to the members who:
* Attended the most GLSC classes
* Did the most Upower activities
* Stayed the most consistent throughout the month

We’ll post Upower activity options next to the board and include them in our newsletters. Plus, keep an eye out for a special in-person Upower class—details coming soon!