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Member Spotlight: Shannon

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✨Member Spotlight✨ Meet Shannon! A little about her in her own words: I grew up in the Seattle area (with a few stints in the midwest), graduated from UW and worked in Biotech. I love spending time with family and friends and being outside – hiking, skiing, and gardening. How long have you been a member of GLSC? Almost a year How has being a part of the gym benefitted you? I love the variety and focus on correct form. This has allowed me to increase my strength and mobility and work safely on improving my weak areas. Through the heavier lifting/jumping I have improved my bone density scores. What is your favorite movement or workout? I like deadlifts and learning how to progress to handstands and pull-ups What is your favorite music or pump-up song? Currently the BREAD CD by Sofi Tukker What do you like about taking the Strength Series at GLSC? Great opportunity to really nail form. The instructors are fantastic! Thank you for being part of the GLSC community, Shannon! #gymcommunity #glsc #greenlakestrengthandconditioning #functionalfitness

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