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✨ Member Spotlight ✨ Niamh

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Meet Niamh! A little bit about Niamh in her own words:
I grew up in Buffalo, NY and found my way out here after college to work as a software engineer. (In Seattle? Shocking.) My superpower/Achilles’ heel is that I convince myself I can do basically anything, so I’ve gotten into everything from cake making and digital embroidery design to mountain biking and gardening.

How long have you been a member of GLSC?
I think since November 2022? Have to fact check that one, time flies.

How has being a part of the gym benefitted you?
So many ways! I suffered from chronic pain before GLSC, and was stuck in the revolving door of physical therapy from years of overuse injuries. Lifting heavy (safely) had changed everything: I’m a pain-free skier, rower, and cyclist, and this summer I climbed Mt. Rainier and on a whim ran a half marathon, with GLSC as most of my training.

What is your favorite movement or workout?
Med ball slams 😈

What is your favorite music or pump up song?
I’m a child of 2010s house, so Million Voices by Otto Knows. Speed Drive from the Barbie soundtrack has a significant presence in the recent rotation as well.